So my friend Mindy clued me in to this, and asked me and the urchins to help her buy a bunch of folders that will be used when our high school hosts a big hoo-ha in the spring.
tangent: Practice your bowing down now, before the awesomeness of Mindy, the queen of the bargain-finders.
another tangent:Please note that the EASY button does not in any way imply that Mindy is EASY, or that my urchins are EASY, or even that I am EASY.
When I asked her how many folders she thought they would need, Mindy was v-e-r-y cagey, but her answer involved me and my urchins and her and her urchins all trooping through Staples over and over and over again buying folders twenty at a time (some ridiculousness about "allowing others to take advantage of the savings.")
Mindy's older urchins, by the way, refused to participate in this event -- using the fishy excuse that they are already ensconced on their college campuses six hours away. Anything to get out of a little help for Mom!