It's ironic . . . .
tangent: I'm not too controlling vis-a-vis my Christmas wish list, am I? I didn't actually buy it for myself and tell the husband what he bought me. I just took a picture of the item I wanted, and emailed it to him, and then found it at BestBuy-dot-com, and bookmarked it in a folder called "Stuff Liz Wants for Christmas." Too pushy?
This is a swell camera, people. It can do all sorts of zoomy, action photograph-ish things that my trusty iPhone just isn't made to handle. The oldest girl was getting a little tired of smacking a softball, and then pausing to pose for my iPhone before she could run the bases.
Well, so obviously it's hilarious, in a tragic, sucking-the-life-out-of-me sort of way, that I can't figure out how to get my pictures from the camera to the computer.
Stay tuned . . . .