Sometimes Mommy gets a little punchy at Christmastime.

Tonight behind the door of the Advent calendar is a fun book just for Mommy and Daddy but mostly Mommy because Daddy rolls his eyes at Mommy when she gets so hysterical with laughter that she can't speak. Back when I used to exercise, I listened to the essay "Six to Eight Black Men" while I was out walking. People, I laughed so hard I had to sit down on the curb and put my head between my knees. Holidays on Ice is the perfect antidote to the sickly sweet junk that often gets pushed at us this time of year. I actually prefer the audio version, narrated by Dave Sedaris himself. It's perfect for your listening pleasure while you're up way too late wrapping those gifts that you waited too long to buy. Oh. Is that just me?

tangent: Every year Santa is forced into a holding pattern, circling our cul-de-sac while he waits for me to finish wrapping gifts. Air traffic controllers hate me.

Please do note that David Sedaris rarely writes essays that are appropriate for children and these are no exception -- although my urchins are old enough now that their heads won't explode if they are exposed to his peculiar and hilarious sense of humor.