Advent for Book Lovers: what's on YOUR list?

OK, friends and cyber-pals -- it's time to help a book-lover out. As you may remember, last year I was quite fretful about the possibility that story-books are going the way of the dodo. You can read my lament here, if you are so inclined.

But while the urchins and I were weeping over the fate of good old-fashioned storybooks, I had so much fun sharing some of my family's favorite Christmas-y stories with you. This Book-Lover's Advent Calendar jogged our memories, and the urchins and I just loved re-reading our old winter favorites. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

So this year, I thought it would be cool to see what books you and your families have loved over the years. I have already heard from some friends about books that must, must, must be included on any list of holiday favorites, so now I'm asking you all to chime in: let's see if we can come up with twenty-four more books that are perfect for Christmas, Chanukah, Eid (that's your cue, Noor!), and just fabulously snowy and wintery days.

Bring it, people! Let's make an Advent Calendar!