It's beginning to look a lot like . . . oh, who am I kidding?
Ask me if I'm ready for Christmas. Go ahead -- I dare ya.
I do have a Merry Christmas wreath, but this is only because the fabulous neighbor sent her Boy Scout son over to sell me one; she knows me and figured this would be the only way I would get one. She was right.
Meanwhile, the sunny girl's Halloween hat looks great, stashed in the corner of my dining room, right where a Nativity should go.
The autumnal garden flag got put out just before Thanksgiving, so I feel like I haven't gotten a full season's work out of it. At this rate the Christmas flag will go out the day after Valentine's Day.
Here we gaze across a vista of laundry that needs folding, to the mantel where our stockings should be hung. By the chimney. With care. But first I have to find them. And put away the Easter bunny.
Note the lack of a Christmas tree. It's looking bleak, y'all.
Today, the Advent calendar shows us a book that my family has loved forever. The Cranberry books tell about the small town adventures of a group of friends who live in Cranberry, Maine. In Cranberry Christmas, the friends are worried that they will not be able to ice skate on Christmas Day -- one of their favorite traditions. Thank goodness, Mr. Whiskers finds an unexpected way! When the urchins were little we had all the Cranberry books, plus Old Black Witch -- a favorite from my own childhood, also written by the Devlins.