First day
Here are some actual things my actual college students have actually said to me:
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Here was the sentence under discussion: We were annoyed by his digging in the yard.
ME: In this sentence digging is a gerund, because it is a verb form used in place of a noun.
STUDENT: Now you're just making stuff up, aren't you?
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Talking (as I do over and over and over) about the correct use of subject and object pronouns:
ME: Him and me went to a bar. Who can tell me what's wrong with this sentence?
STUDENT: Well, it's wrong because . . . -- hey! Who did you go to a bar with?!
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During a unit on fairy tales, I went off about why, and how much, I hate the Disney version of "The Little Mermaid." I may have even stamped my foot. I was eloquent, y'all. When I paused to take a breath when I finished, I heard someone mutter, "Dang . . ." under his breath. And then a girl raised her hand and said, " No offense, but if you talk like that at home, your kids must really hate you."
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During that same fairy tale unit, the class considered Angela Carter's "The Company of Wolves," a dark feminist re-telling of the Little Red Riding Hood story. The phrase we were considering was: "Carnivore incarnate, only immaculate flesh would appease him."
STUDENT: Maybe it means that her innocence is what saves her?
ME: Well, but is she really that innocent?
ANOTHER STUDENT: She's banging a werewolf -- how innocent can she be?
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I can't wait! Let's do this!