An Ode (or Whatever) to Pinterest
O Pinterest! Dost thou know that I
Covet those pins that catch'st mine eye?
Verily, 'tis true that every pin
Causes mine heart to leap with chagrin.
I say chagrin -- for I cannot muster
The moxie to create my own feather duster
Or re-tile my kitchen with hand-painted ceramic
Or bake a souffle (the thought makes me panic).
[And yes -- I know that those words don't rhyme.
Get off my back, Pinterest; I don't have time
To hone my craft and polish my meter.]
But I adore Constant Pinner and do long to greet her.
She takes perfect photos; she wears perfect clothes;
She know just what polish I should put on my toes.
Her house, her garden, her baby, her life
Are perfection. And if a teen gives her some wee bit of strife
I never will know.
Dog puke on the carpet? A burnt apple crisp?
A babe who says, "Fuck!" in an adorable lisp?
I never will know.
But I say to Constant Pinner, "Bring it on, bitch!"
I do love her photos! They give me an itch
To craft, to re-finish, to weed, e'en to blog!
And what are these pins after all, in this slog
We call daily life, but a chance to dream
And to vow to ourselves, though mad it doth seem,
That we too might make curtains, or jelly, or quilts;
That we might even make some DIY stilts.
It could happen! Especially if my ways I mend . . .
Oh, who am I kidding? So here I must end.
On this first day of December, here is a fun and fabulous book -- especially for a family with a fancy girl of their own! Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas is adorable and sparkly and fun to read. The illustrations are part of the fun, as Nancy prepares for a fancy Christmas, complete with decorations and a tree and gifts that she will prepare her very own self. When things go awry, trust Nancy to find a way to make Christmas festively fancy!