Happy Christmas!
Well, so I kept to my family Advent tradition, which is to get overwhelmed and behind and angsty and a little sick, so that I have to go to an urgent care center. So -- fa la la la la la, or whatever.
But I do have a list of Advent books I meant to share with you, and the urchins actually expressed interest in making sure the new Advent books were up to our family's standards, by which I think they meant that they want to tell you about their favorite books from when they were seven -- which is also absolutely fine. So watch this space!
But mostly I want to tell you that I wish for you -- wherever you are -- the most wonderful and joy-filled Christmas. I hope you are having (or have had -- I'm talking to you, my dear and fabulous neighbors) a day of family and food and love, and that you feel the peace and light that the season brings.
I wish all of you the happiest of Christmas seasons!