It's not about the book . . . .
People, this ain't that kind of book group.
This might seem to imply that the women in the group are not serious readers, when nothing could be further from the truth. But "book group rules" don't appeal to any of us, and if our conversation veers toward a fabulous promotion, or an impending birth, or worries about health, or the capers of our cats . . . then that seems to be just fine. The size of our gathering ebbs and flows from month to month ( we all have busy lives), and some women have remained faithful for sixteen years while others have joined us more recently. Ultimately, these women are the truest sort of friends, who know me at my deepest core. When it comes right down to it, the book group motto for all of us is, "it's not about the book."
Josefina's story resonates with our family because she is devoutly Catholic. Josefina's Surprise tells of the Las Posadas tradition that her village celebrates every year on each of the nine days leading up to Christmas Eve -- La Noche Buena. This little book does a nice job describing the traditional Las Posadas procession, and evokes a real sense of the sacred as the procession winds up at the village church to be welcomed by their priest to the Feast of the Nativity on Christmas Eve.